Luxe Brown Salon - Brand


Luxe Brown Salon

Luxe Brown Salon - Best in town

Luxe Brown is the best beauty salon in Kochi. At Luxe Brown we offer a world-class salon experience for all our customers. We want your day at Luxe Brown to be the most relaxing day of your month. You can unwind lavishly while we pamper your hair, body and skin with all the care they deserve.

We are the best luxury salon in town offering you an unmatched salon experience. Here, we offer you great service and a greater salon experience, like never before. Luxe Brown gives you all a unique sense of luxury wrapped up in an exotic ambience.

Luxe Brown Salon


To introduce a luxury salon culture into this tech-savvy world where people often forget about investing in themselves. Luxe Brown promises relaxing sessions during your hectic workdays.


To emerge as a classy blend of salons and luxury resorts and to globally expand Luxe Brown to all major travel destinations and metropolitan cities.

Luxe Brown - Experience Luxury

Best beauty salon in Kochi

Best Beauty salon in Kochi
Best Beauty salon in Kochi

Hands behind the Brand


Best Beauty salon in Kochi
Best Beauty salon in Kochi

Being a part of the hospitality sector, Kapil always took it as his pleasure to engage in quality conversations with his clients. While on a deep discussion with one such client, Kapil discovered that, they were immensely happy with his services but they were disappointed that they couldn’t find one great salon where they could actually revel in. He realized that the local salon experiences failed to understand the needs of their customers. Disturbed by what he just realized, Kapil dedicated a lot of his time, thereafter, in understanding the real expectations of people from a luxury salon. Finally, when everything was sorted, the Luxe Brown Salon came into existence to recreate and to rethink the concept of premium, luxury salons.